2014 - 2015 Theatre Chronology

Author: FTT Department

Department of Film, Television, and Theatre

Faculty: James Collins (Chair), Ted Barron, Christine Becker, Christine Burgess, C. Kenneth Cole, Donald Crafton, William Donaruma, Richard E. Donnelly, Kevin Dreyer (Director of Theatre), Anne García-Romero, Karen Heisler, Peter Holland, Scott Jackson, Anton Juan, Michael Kackman, Mary Celeste Kearney, Carys Kresny, Ted Mandell, Olivier Morel, Grant Mudge, Briona Nic Dhiarmada, Susan Ohmer, Mark Pilkinton, Siiri Scott, Gary Sieber, Jeffrey Spoonhower, Marcus Stephens, John Welle, Pamela Robertson Wojcik

Emeriti: Reginald Bain, Jill Godmilow

Staff: Lynn Holbrook, Jennifer Krauser, Jo Ann Norris, Stacey Stewart

Shakespeare at Notre Dame

McMeel Family Chair in Shakespeare Studies: Peter Holland
Executive Director: Scott Jackson
Ryan Producing Artistic Director, Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival: Grant Mudge
General Manager, Actors From the London Stage: Debra Gasper
Audience Development Program Manager: Aaron Nichols

Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival

Dates: July 19-September 19, 2014

Play: Selected Scenes (ShakeScenes)

Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: Saturday & Sunday, July 19 & 20, 2014, at 2:00 P.M.
Venue: Washington Hall
Coordinating Director: Christy Burgess
Lighting Designer, Master Electrician: Kathleen Van Vleet
Stage Manager: Anna Kurtz

Play: The Merry Wives of Windsor

Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: Sunday, July 20, through Monday, August 25, 2014, at curtain times ranging from 4:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.
Producing Organization: The Young Company
Venue: Various, around the community
Director: West Hyler
Composer and Arranger: Ethan Deppe
Stage Manager: Nellie Petlick
Costume Design: Stefan Roseen
Scenic and Properties Design: Kyle Techentin

Play: Henry IV

Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: Tuesday, August 19, at 7:30, through Sunday, August 31, 2014, at 2:00 P.M.
Venue: Decio Mainstage Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
Abdo Family Director: Michael Goldberg
Original Music and Music Direction: Ethan Deppe
Lighting Design: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Design: Jeremy W. Floyd
Wig Design: Erin Kennedy Lunsford
Fight Director: John McFarland
Stage Manager: Kathryn Preher
Sound Design: Robert Steel
Scenic Design: Marcus Stephens

Play: Much Ado About Nothing

Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: Wednesday-Friday, September 17-19, 2014, at 7:30 P.M.
Producing Organization: Actors From the London Stage (AFTLS)
Venue: Washington Hall
Director: Co-directed by the five actors: Al Barclay, Paul O’Mahony, Claire Redcliffe, Georgina Strawson, Jack Whitam
Stage Manager: Ryan Stutzman

Note: Shakespeare at Notre Dame encompasses the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival and Actors From the London Stage.

Event: ND Theatre NOW!

Production Staff

Producer: Kevin Dreyer
ND Theatre NOW! Faculty Advisor: Anne García-Romero
Production Manager: Michael Burns*
Stage Manager: Maddie Landon*
Assistant Stage Manager: Kelsey Dool
Lighting Designer: Ben Woodley
Sound Designer: Michael Burns*
Technical Director: C. Kenneth Cole
Faculty Advisor, Costume Design: Richard E. Donnelly
Costume Shop Manager: Lynn Holbrook
Sound Board Operator: Kelsey Dool
Costume/Props Assistant: Sarah Denning
Costume Crew Head: Isabel Piechowicz
Light Board Operator:
Brenna Donegan
Stage Hand: Austin Burgett*
Acting Coaches: Siiri Scott, Scott Jackson
Graphic Designer, Photographer: Helen Cramer

Play: Out of Orbit

Author: Lucas García*
Dates: October 2-12, 2014
Producing Organization: Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
Venue: Philbin Studio Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

Director: Anthony Murphy*

Cast List

Nora: Nandi Mgwaba
Alex: Simone West*
Joseph: Eric Ways*
Hank: Andrew Baglini
Anthony: Anthony Murphy*

Play: Beneath My Skin

Author: Zachary Wendeln*
Dates: October 2-12, 2014
Producing Organization: Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
Venue: Philbin Studio Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

Director: Joey Doyle*

Cast List

Young Thomas: Jacob Schrimpf
Thomas: Paul Kuczynski
Marshall: Kelly Burgess
Cecilia, Kyla: Emmy Schoenbauer
Hannah, Monia: Caroline McKee
Troy: Eric Ways*
Nick: Andrew Baglini

Shop Staff

Costume Shop Assistants: Alex Ciesla, Caitlin Geary, Karen Gilmore, Abigail Hebert, Elizabeth Konicek, Alexa Monn, Isabel Piechowicz
Scene Shop Assistants: Guillermo Alonso*, Alexander Baran, Amanda Bartolini, Michael Burns*, Moises Martinez, Quint Mediate, Dylan Reed, James Woodley, William Woodley

Production Staff

Scenery, Props, and Lighting Crew: Juan Aguila, Brynn Alexander, James Argue, Lauren Barnes, Catherine Baxter, Tallis Bowers, Conor Bradley, Jalen Brown, Austin Burgett, Kathryn Campbell, Michael Cannon, Jonathan Carr, Caroline Chang, Taylor Craft, Andrew Cupero, Cara Curran, Taya Davis-Reimer, Matthew DiDonato, Laura Eckert, Katherine Eilers, Matthew Evans, Thomas Favorite, Conor Flynn, Zachary Flynn, Emma Fontenot, Holden Gangluff, Luke Garrison, Emily Geyer, Emma Herlihy, Molly Iott, Evan Joyce, Connor Klekota, Kimberly Kosman, Eun Young Lee, Ryan Lidge, Kathleen Mackin, Marissa Martinez, Shannon Massey, Nathaniel McKeon, Carly Meacham, Nandi Mgwaba, Kevin Murphy, Kaleigh Olmsted, John Pearl, Cameron Perna, Amanda Pilarski, Cynthia Pineda, Andrew Poirier, Cody Rowe, Jake Scanlan, Jonathan Spraul, Kelly Valenzi, Benjamin Vasquez, Eric Ways, Thomas Waytula, Cole Wintheiser, James Woodley, Sandra Yu

Note: This production is dedicated to Professor Mark C. Pilkinton who has completed his thirtieth year at Notre Dame and who founded the New Playwrights Workshop, the precursor to ND Theatre NOW!, in 1998.

Source: Program, Department of Film, Television, and Theatre

Play: Six Characters in Search of an Author

Author: Luigi Pirandello. Translated by Edward Storer. Adapted by Patrick Vassel ‘07
Dates: November 5-9, 2014
Producing Organization: Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
Venue: Patricia George Decio Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

Artistic Staff

Producer: Kevin Dreyer
Director: Patrick Vassel
Costume Designer: Abigail M. Hebert*
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Set Designer: Marcus Stephens
Pirandello Consultant: John Welle
Stage Manager: Dylan Marie Parent*
Assistant Stage Manager: Rose Anderson
Assistant Director: Quint Mediate*
Technical Director: C. Kenneth Cole
Faculty Advisor, Costume Design: Richard E. Donnelly
Costume Shop Manager: Lynn Holbrook
Acting Coach: Siiri Scott
Stage Hands: Austin Burgett, Kevin Murphy
Run Crew: Katerina Rose Parent
Dressers: Brynn Alexander, Karen Gilmore, Alexa Monn
Sound Board Operator: Cody Rowe
Light Board Operator: Benjamin Vasquez

Cast List

The Father: Austin Swift*
The Mother: Kitty Baker*
The Son: Cameron Hart
The Step-Daughter: Patricia Fernández de Castro-Sámano
The Boy: John Donaruma
The Girl: Rosa Morel
Madame Pace: Anton Juan
The Producer: Tyrel London
Phil: Phil Mosey*
Mary: Mary Patano*
Elizabeth: Lizzie Pagura
Fo: Fauve Liggans
Denis: Denis Alexander
Bruce: Seung Lee*

Shop Staff

Costume Shop Assistants: Alex Ciesla, Caitlin Geary, Karen Gilmore, Abigail Hebert*, Elizabeth Konicek, Alexa Monn, Isabel Piechowicz
Scene Shop Assistants: Guillermo Alonso*, Amanda Bartolini, Alexander Baran, Michael Burns*, Moises Martinez, Quint Mediate, Dylan Reed, William Woodley, James Woodley

Production Staff

Costumes, Scenery, Props, and Lighting Crew: Juan Aguila, Brynn Alexander, James Argue, Lauren Barnes, Catherine Baxter, Tallis Bowers, Conor Bradley, Jalen Brown, Austin Burgett, Kathryn Campbell, Michael Cannon, Jonathan Carr, Caroline Chang, Taylor Craft, Andrew Cupero, Cara Curran, Taya Davis-Reimer, Matthew DiDonato, Laura Eckert, Katherine Eilers, Matthew Evans, Thomas Favorite, Conor Flynn, Zachary Flynn, Emma Fontenot, Holden Gangluff, Lucas García*, Luke Garrison, Emily Geyer, Emma Herlihy, Molly Iott, Evan Joyce, Connor Klekota, Kimberly Kosman, Eun Young Lee, Ryan Lidge, Kathleen Mackin, Marissa Martinez, Moises Martinez, Shannon Massey, Nathaniel McKeon, Carly Meacham, Quint Mediate*, Nandi Mgwaba, Kevin Murphy, Kaleigh Olmsted, John Pearl, Cameron Perna, Amanda Pilarski, Cynthia Pineda, Andrew Poirier, Cody Rowe, Jake Scanlan, Jacob Schrimpf*, Jonathan Spraul, Blaine Stahl, Kelly Valenzi, Benjamin Vasquez, Eric Ways, Thomas Waytula, Cole Wintheiser, James Woodley, Sandra Yu

Note: This production is dedicated to Professor Kevin Dreyer who has completed his twenty-fifth year at Notre Dame.

Source(s) for the above: Program and overlay, Department of Film, Television, & Theatre

Play: Cloud Tectonics

Author: José Rivera
Dates: February 19 – March 1, 2015
Producing Organization: Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
Venue: Philbin Studio Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

Artistic Staff

Producer: Kevin Dreyer
Director: Anton Juan
Costume Designer: Kimberly Gaughan
Lighting Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Set Designer: Marcus Stephens
Sound Designer: Ben Woodley*
Stage Manager: Michael Burns*
Assistant Stage Managers: Amanda Bartolini*, Maddie Landon*
Technical Director: C. Kenneth Cole
Costume Shop Manager: Lynn Holbrook
Acting Coach: Siiri Scott
Stagehands: Brynn Alexander, Alex La
Light Board Operator: Madeline Kusters
Sound Board Operator: Emma Kusters
Graphic Designer: Helen Cramer

Cast List

Celestina del Sol: Abigail Marie Hebert*
Aníbal de la Luna: Guillermo Alonso*
Nelson de la Luna: Tony Jones*

Shop Staff

Costume Shop Assistants: Kathryn Campbell, Alex Ciesla, Caitlin Geary, Abigail Hebert*, Elizabeth Konicek, Alexa Monn, Isabel Piechowicz
Scene Shop Assistants: Brynn Alexander, Guillermo Alonso*, Amanda Bartolini*, Michael Burns*, Tommy Favorite*, Dylan Reed, Ben Woodley*, James Woodley

Production Staff

Rain effect developed as part of FTT 30905 – Special Effects for Studio and Stage: Amanda Bartolini*, Michael Burns*, Lucas García*, Brian Lach*, Maddie Landon*, Ryan Leen*, Grace Mittelstaedt*, Dylan Parent*, Anthony Rabasa*, Quincee Wilson*, Ben Woodley*
Costumes, Scenery, Props, and Lighting Crew: Brynn Alexander, Maria Alfaro, Jennifer Andre, Joseph Bahr, Nicholas Barella, Bradley Bass, Joseph Berry, Natalie Boone, Edward Bozik, William Brauer, Justin Brent, Michael Burns*, Kyle Casey, Meghan Cleary, Caitlin Crommett*, Michael Deeb, Victor Del Valle, Kelsey Dool, Caroline Doyle, Conor Doyle, Michael Dwyer, Jeffrey Farina, Jonathan Gallagher, Andrew Good, Maria Heredia Bolanos, Vincent Hinostroza, Erin Hughes, Kathleen Joyce, Matthew Kavanagh, Reilly Kearney, Robert Conor Kelly, Jamal Knox, Stephanie Konrady, Monika Kress, Sarah Lipscomb, Tyler Luatua, Kevin McKenna, Christopher Mire, Stephen Muldoon, Christopher Nolan, Lael O’Shaughnessy, Ricardo Daniel Pagulayan, Mary Fiona Paladino, Calvin Petersen, Sofia Pina Cardenas, Andrew Pott, Grace Reyes, Brian Richman, Jared Rodgers, Jonathan Rouhana, Douglas Schmieder, Abigail Schnell, Garrett Schwartz, Rebecca Shute, Alexander Sitaras, Alison Snakard, Alexandra Snyder, Barbara Sullivan, Laura Thomas, Meghan Till, Zoe Timmermann, Caroline Trustey, Andrea Vale, Anthony Vallera, Nicholas Watkins, Joseph Wells, Noah Wilson, Jasmine Winston

Note: The Department dedicates this production of Cloud Tectonics to the memory of the Reverend Eugene F. Gorski, C.S.C. (January 7, 1932–January 3, 2015). Father Gene was a wonderful person, priest, and professor who vigorously supported the performing arts at Notre Dame throughout his long and distinguished career. His involvement with Notre Dame Theatre began on the Washington Hall stage in February 1955 when he played the lead role in Cyrano de Bergerac (with students Phil Donahue as Le Bret and Reg Bain as Ligniere). His passion for theatre at Notre Dame continued through the fall 2014 semester when he enthusiastically endorsed our production of two student-written plays that dealt with issues related to sexual orientation, saying, “What an achievement!” The Department celebrates his life and mourns his death.

Source(s) for the above: Program, Department of Film, Television, & Theatre

Play: Dead Man’s Cell Phone

Author: Sarah Ruhl
Dates: April 15-19, 2015
Producing Organization: Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
Venue: Patricia George Decio Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

Artistic Staff

Director and Producer: Kevin Dreyer
Costume Designer: Lynn Holbrook
Lighting Designer: C. Kenneth Cole
Set Designer: Marcus Stephens
Sound Designer: Amanda Bartolini*
Assistant Sound Designer: Tommy Favorite*
Props: Ben Woodley*
Assistant Director: Austin Hagwood
Fight and Movement Captain: Matthew Yoder
Stage Manager: Kyle Aggarwal
Assistant Stage Managers: Rose Anderson*, Kelsey Dool
Production Technical Director: Michael Burns*
Department Technical Director: C. Kenneth Cole
Costume Shop Manager: Lynn Holbrook
Professional Stitcher: Michele Jackson
Wig Design: Lana McKinnon
Wardrobe Crew: Katie Campbell, Alex Ciesla, Caitlin Geary, Isabel Piechowicz
Stagehands: Monika Kress, Jonathan Rouhana, Alexandra Snyder, Joseph Wells
Sound Board Operator: Zoe Timmerman*
Light Board Operator: Jon Olansen
Acting Coach: Siiri Scott
Graphic Designer: Helen Cramer

Cast List

Jean: Emmy Schoenbauer
Gordon: Anthony Murphy*
Mrs. Gottlieb: Dylan Parent*
Hermia: Caitlin Crommett*
Dwight: Austin Swift*
The Other Woman/The Stranger: Graham Pilotte
Ensemble: Annabel Aman, Simone West*, Matthew Yoder

Shop Staff

Costume Shop Assistants: Kathryn Campbell, Alex Ciesla, Caitlin Geary, Abigail Hebert*, Elizabeth Konicek, Alexa Monn, Isabel Piechowicz
Scene Shop Assistants: Brynn Alexander*, Guillermo Alonso*, Amanda Bartolini*, Michael Burns*, Tommy Favorite*, Dylan Reed, Ben Woodley*, James Woodley

Production Staff

Costumes, Scenery, Props, and Lighting Crew: Brynn Alexander, Maria Alfaro, Jennifer Andre, Joseph Bahr, Nicholas Barella, Bradley Bass, Joseph Berry, Natalie Boone, Edward Bozik, William Brauer, Justin Brent, Michael Burns*, Kyle Casey, Meghan Cleary, Caitlin Crommett*, Michael Deeb*, Victor Del Valle, Kelsey Dool, Caroline Doyle, Conor Doyle, Michael Dwyer, Jeffrey Farina, Jonathan Gallagher, Andrew Good, Maria Heredia Bolanos, Vincent Hinostroza, Erin Hughes, Kathleen Joyce, Matthew Kavanagh, Reilly Kearney, Robert Conor Kelly, Jamal Knox, Stephanie Konrady, Monika Kress, Sarah Lipscomb, Tyler Luatua, Kevin McKenna, Christopher Mire, Stephen Muldoon, Christopher Nolan, Lael O’Shaughnessy, Ricardo Daniel Pagulayan, Mary Fiona Paladino, Calvin Petersen, Sofia Pina Cardenas, Andrew Pott, Grace Reyes, Brian Richman, Jared Rodgers, Jonathan Rouhana, Douglas Schmieder, Abigail Schnell, Garrett Schwartz, Rebecca Shute, Alexander Sitaras, Alison Snakard, Alexandra Snyder, Barbara Sullivan, Laura Thomas, Meghan Till, Zoe Timmermann*, Caroline Trustey, Andrea Vale, Anthony Vallera, Nicholas Watkins, Joseph Wells, Noah Wilson, Jasmine Winston

Note: This production is dedicated to Professor James Collins who is completing his thirtieth year at Notre Dame.

Source(s) for the above: Program, Department of Film, Television, & Theatre

* Film, Television, and Theatre major

** Guest Artist