Ted Mandell

Associate Teaching Professor, Film Production


Design and Production

Research Interests

Classes: Intro to Film and Television Production, Documentary Production, Drunk on Film: The Psychology of Storytelling with Alcohol and Its Effects on Alcohol Consumption, Televised Sports Production


Ted Mandell has taught film and television production at Notre Dame for the past 36 years. Specializing in documentary filmmaking, and past producer/director of numerous features on Notre Dame Athletics, Ted is co-director of the documentary 88 and 1 (ESPN), the award winning documentary Okuyamba, and producer of the documentary series First Time Fans. Ted is also in charge of the annual Notre Dame Student Film Festival, faculty advisor for the student producer program at Notre Dame Studios, and director of two Summer Scholars programs for high school students (Film Production and Under The Influence: Teens and Screens).  Besides production courses,  he also teaches the undergraduate course, Drunk on Film: The Psychology of Storytelling with Alcohol and Its Effects on Alcohol Consumption (co-taught with professor Anré Venter).  In addition, Ted has penned numerous national op-ed columns on media and popular culture, and is the author of the multimedia book Heart Stoppers and Hail Marys: The Greatest College Football Finishes (Since 1970).

Representative Publications, Performances, and Creative Works

PBS NewsHour: Drunk on Film

First Time Fans 

"Sports offers the arena to raise awareness of gun violence" in The Washington Post


Heart Stoppers and Hail Marys: The Greatest College Football Finishes (Since 1970)

Email: tmandell@nd.edu
Phone: 574-298-5310
Office: B035 DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

CV Website